Who, What, Where is your reason for being?
Who, What, Where is your reason for being?
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About Us

Ikigai Collection was started to fulfill a sense of purpose. The purpose of helping people connect with what really matters in life. We want people to think about what makes them feel overcome with happiness. Often we find ourselves losing our sense of purpose or, a true reason for being, in our lives.

We find ourselves slipping into the rat race of a 9 to 5 work week, driving towards a goal that doesn't leave us feeling truly accomplished. We take time with loved ones for granted or forget to slow down and take a break. When you wear a piece of ikigai collection jewelry you look at it and are reminded to reflect on the most important things in our existence.

People have many ikigai, often it is a hobby like painting, gardening, or cooking. It can be a profession, many people feel very passionate about their work. An individual can feel a sense of ikigai when visiting a special place, your favorite vacation destination, a childhood home, a favorite sunset look out. There are countless things that give someone passion and a sense of purpose. 

Most frequently people find ikigai in the loved ones they are closest with. When gifting someone an ikigai you are telling them that they are part of your purpose...your reason for being. It is one of the most honest, pure, and kind things you can share with someone. Often you don't understand the emotional impact this communication has. Not only on your special someone, but yourself, until the moment they put on their ikigai. A piece of ikigai jewelry will be the most sentimental gift you share with the people you love. 

We invite you to pick a piece of jewelry, and enjoy it for the rest of your life. Enjoy it on your own, while doing something you love, in a place you love, and with the people you love. Never stop trying to find your ikigai. 


With Love 


The Ikigai Collection Family